Friday 24 August 2012

It really bothers what our mothers sometimes go through just to make sure we never go hungry. I am proud to use my blog as a platform to let the world know how grateful we as African children are of some of the extraordinary feats our Super Women go through.

Everyday on my way from work i notice a mother with a child strapped on her back along Samora Machel Avenue, my heart bleeds for her child knowing that the mother has no other means of supporting him/her. What bothers me even more is that the rags-clad mother is always there begging nomatter what time of the day you pass by.

An African proverbs goes 'it takes a village to raise a child' but im seriously doubting if thats still the case in our society, why can't we help the needy mother to raise her child, why can't we as a community come up with ways to help make sure our mothers get decent ways of making ends meet like helping them start self-help projects?

However, i think it is better for my mother to beg for money so as to send me to school and make sure im well fed than for her to steal. Case in point, a mother from Budiriro was fired from her $200/ month job as a maid for stealing $20 from her boss! I mean, why would a mother go to such extremes as stealing such little money and risk losing her job? The question i would like to ask her is, now that you have been fired, how in the world are you going to take care of your kids if you thought the $200 wasn't enough?

I feel sorry for her chidren who now have to go hungry all because their mother was greedy.

Guys if you were not grateful for the effort our mothers have to put and the extremes they have to go through just to put food in our stomachs then you have to start now!